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篇名 中國古代哲學「物」之概念的誕生及其意義
卷期 46:5=540
並列篇名 On the Chinese Concept of Things and It’s Role in Chinese Philosophy
作者 趙強
頁次 149-162
關鍵字 觀物用物體物ThingsContemplation of ThingsUsefulness of ThingsAppreciate ThingsA&HCI
出刊日期 201905




Things is an important concept in ancient China. The role it plays in people’s everyday life and cultural tradition is as important as in the field of philosophy. Things was originally a mystique noun but which gradually became an important philosophical concept with rich connotations. These processes to show the history of the human understanding of nature and transform the nature and use of nature, and it also demonstrates the natural world continue to enter the history of human life. In the tradition of the ancient Chinese thought, the role of Things was summarized into three aspects: contemplation of Things, usefulness of Things, appreciate Things, and each represented an important area of the practice of human life, such as daily life, philosophy and aesthetic.
