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篇名 醫療器材相關壓力性損傷預防策略
卷期 66:3
並列篇名 Medical Device Related Pressure Injury Prevention Strategies
作者 許美玉林瑞萍呂基燕
頁次 106-111
關鍵字 醫療器材壓力性損傷預防策略medical devicepressure injurypreventionstrategyMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201906
DOI 10.6224/JN.201906_66(3).13




Medical Device Related Pressure Injury was incorporated into the redefinition of pressure injuries during the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel 2016 Staging Consensus Conference. It is evident that this type of iatrogenic injury is gradually receiving more attention. Unlike pressure injuries over a bony prominence, which may be alleviated by repositioning different body parts, injuries that require non-retractable medical devices to be securely fastened to an injury site carry a higher risk of causing pressure injuries and of requiring subsequent care in a clinical setting. Furthermore, facial skin and mucosal membranes are the most common sites of Medical Device Related Pressure Injuries. Once these injuries occur, they easily result in damage to appearance, loss of function, and even bone exposure and infection, which may lead to medical disputes. Therefore, in recent years, research and exploration in this field has increased in many countries. However, discussions regarding Medical Device Related Pressure Injuries in Taiwan are still lacking. Thus, the aim of this article is to discuss the definition, risk factors, damage classification, and prevention strategies of Medical Device Related Pressure Injuries by combining domestic and international literature reviews and clinical verifications for the purpose of providing knowledge to medical staffs in hopes of reducing the incidence of Medical Device Related Pressure Injuries and degree of damage.
