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篇名 《易傳》與《老子》道器觀比較
卷期 46:6=541
並列篇名 The Comparison of Laozi’s and Yizhuan’s Views on Dao Qi
作者 鄭炳碩
頁次 025-040
關鍵字 《易傳》老子道器陳鼓應易傳道家著作說自然人文Yi zhuanLaozi, Dao QiChen Gu-yingThe Theory of “Yi Zhuan is a Work of Daoists”Nature HumanitiesA&HCI
出刊日期 201906




Chen Gu-ying raised a view point that “Yizhuan is a work of Daoists, not a book of Confucians” and that “The philosophical thoughts of Yizhuan belong to Daoists, not Confucians.” He also argued that “The theory of Dao Qi (or Dao and tool) in Xicizhuan is rooted in Laozi.” In this context, this study intends to analyze the content of Dao Qi in Laozi and Yizhuan, and their relationship and attitudes toward Qi. Laozi pursued Qi’s return to ziran or nature, while Yizhuan put it in parallel with heaven and earth (in the position). Laozi opposes human civilization and emphasizes the return to small country and few people, while Yizhuan strongly supports human civilization and hopes to create a world of Qi as wonderful as heaven, earth, and nature. This leads to two different views on Dao Qi. From different perspectives such as the aspect of nature and humanities, the theory of Equality among Heaven, Earth, and Human, and the theory of equivalence of Dao and Qi, this study intends to discuss the structure and direction of thinking inherent in Laozi’s and Yizhuan’s views on Dao Qi. Further, the study critically discusses the view point on “Yizhuan is a book of Daoists, not Confucians.”
