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篇名 Under Attack: Recommendations for Victory in the PRC’s Political War to Destroy the ROC
卷期 114
作者 Kerry K. Gershaneck
頁次 001-040
關鍵字 Political warfareHegemonyExpansionistChina dreamInfluence operations
出刊日期 201906



The People’s Republic of China is engaged in a war for global hegemony. It is a war fought largely for influence and control, using words, coercion, corruption, and violent covert operations-- Political Warfare! If the PRC wins the war, the world faces a future of grim, oppressive totalitarian rule, under the boot of an unprecedented, tyrannical form of Sino-Fascism. The Republic of China is “the primary target” of Beijing’s global political warfare. (Stokes & Hsiao, 2013) At least for now, political warfare is the PRC’s primary means of destroying the ROC and bringing Taiwan into communist China. Taiwan’s democratic system of government presents an existential challenge to Chinese Communist Party (CCP) political authority. Beijing seeks the political subordination of the ROC to the PRC, ostensibly under a One Country, Two Systems principle. In practice, the CCP’s desired final resolution of the Chinese Civil War will be entirely on CCP terms, and will entail the destruction of the political entity called Republic of China, and absorbing Taiwan as a province into the PRC. Beijing prefers to win the last phase of this civil war without firing a shot, but Xi Jinping has made it clear he will employ brute military force if he deems it necessary. This paper provides, from a concerned American’s perspective, recommendations the ROC should adopt to defeat the PRC’s war against it, in order that democratic ROC may survive and thrive. It briefly examines why it matter that the ROC win, as well as the terminology and philosophical and historical underpinnings of Political Warfare as a foundation for making the strategic-level recommendations.
