
東華漢學 THCI

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篇名 鴉片戰爭的時代心史─周閑詞中的詞史精神探析
卷期 29
並列篇名 The Heart History of the First Opium War: The Analysis of Zhou Xian’s Historical Ci
作者 王曉雯
頁次 211-255
關鍵字 周閑詞史鴉片戰爭晚清道光Zhou Xianhistorical CiLate QingOpium WarEast ZhejiangTHCI
出刊日期 201906




Zhou Xian was born in Jiaxing in 1821 and passed away in 1875. During the First Opium War, Zhou Xian served his country along the coast of East Zhejiang, and he wrote Ci for it. These works are good examples of historical Ci. Compared with the idea of historical poems, the idea of historical Ci is proposed by Zhou Ji, who thought that Ci should not only focus on the descriptions of scenery but also reflect the changes of current situations. Based on the historical facts, the current research intends to analyze Zhou Xian’s works on the First Opium War to see whether Ci can fully represent an author’s reflection on a historical event.
