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篇名 南朝梁大愛敬寺地理位置考
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 An Investigation of the Location of the Da’aijing Monastery of the Southern Liang Dynasty
作者 蔡宗憲
頁次 107-126
關鍵字 大愛敬寺草堂寺鍾山梁武帝建構主義Da’aijing MonasteryCaotang MonasteryZhong MountainEmperor Wu of the Liang DynastyJiankang
出刊日期 201812
DOI 10.3966/207503662018121002003


梁武帝於鍾山建大愛敬寺,南宋張敦頤的《六朝事迹編類》稱其位在鍾山北高峯上,近代學者多從其說。然若追溯六朝與唐代文獻的記載,卻發現關於大愛敬寺位置的描述多作鍾山下、鍾山西、鍾山西麓或鍾山竹澗,並不在山巔上。本文除據傳世文獻詳加考證,亦利用Google Map 擬測《續高僧傳》所提供的大愛敬寺從大門到中院「延袤七里」的距離,推測大愛敬寺應位於鍾山西峰天堡山上,也就是紫金山天文台一帶。


Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty is said to have built the Da’aijing Monastery on Zhong Mountain (Zhong Shan). In the Southern Song Dynasty, the famous scholar Zhang Dunyi claimed in his Categorized Accounts of Events and Ruins of the Six Dynasties (Liuchao shiji bianlei) that the monastery was on the north peak, and later scholars have repeatedly accepted this view. However, by examining various records from the Six Dynasties and the Tang, the author has found that the Da’aijing Monastery is often placed at the foot, the west, the western foot, or the nearby bamboo ravine of Zhong Mountain, and not on its peak. This article investigates these sources and utilizes Google Map to identify a more accurate location of the Da’aijing Monastery on the basis of the Continued Biographies of Eminent Monks (Xu gaoseng zhuan). The author infers that the location of the monastery was on Tianbao Mountain, the west peak of Zhong Mountain, that is, in the vicinity of the present-day Purple Mountain Observatory (Zijinshan Tianwentai).
