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篇名 儒家外推私德問題再檢討
卷期 46:7=542
並列篇名 Review Again of the Confucian Problem of Extending Private Morality
作者 李海超
頁次 073-086
關鍵字 儒家私德公德外推元道德ConfucianismPrivate MoralityPublic MoralityStrangificationMeta-MoralityA&HCI
出刊日期 201907




There are two kinds of opposite viewpoints in educational circles about the Confucian problem of extending private morality: one kind of viewpoints thinks that, the extending of private morality makes against to the development of public morality. However, another kind of viewpoints thinks that, public morality is extended from private morality. The difference is due to their different emphasis on the understanding of “private morality”. The former emphasizes those private moralities which are tightly bound with private relationships; the latter emphasizes those private moralities which are not tightly bound with private relationships. The latter kind of private moralities are essentially meta-morality which transcends private moralities and public moralities. What the original Confucians advocate to extend are actually meta-moralities. To accurately grasp the scale of the extending of meta-morality, we should not totally appeal to individual self-cultivation, what should be enforced more are academic studies and social education.
