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篇名 論朱熹讀書工夫及其荀學特質
卷期 46:7=542
並列篇名 On Zhu Xi’s Learning Method and Its Characteristics of Xunzi theory
作者 鍾永興
頁次 115-130
關鍵字 朱熹讀書荀學Zhu XiStudyXunzi TheoryA&HCI
出刊日期 201907




Zhu Xi continued Cheng Yi’s “Pathways to Learning” academic path, emphasizing moral realization, we must learn saints from entry, reading is to read the sages words, but also to achieve moral unavoidable links. Zhu Xi attaches importance to reading, but also put forward a lot of reading time, teaching people should be used to assist study, study, establish the direction of reading purposes, to enhance the substantive benefits of reading. From Zhu Xi’s book, “Reading Method” can peek into its aphrodisiac, to prove its emphasis on “reading” and “reading time” level. Zhu Xi elaborates on the work of reading with Xun and Xun, coinciding with the festival, the academic character contained in the Xun Zi features clearly reveal. This article elaborates on Zhu Xi’s reading time by studying “seeking truth from facts, studying in a poor way”, “accumulating exclusively, subordinating to the unification class”, “holding in silence”, Learning can be joined at.
