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篇名 性樸或「性惡」——荀子人性論思想續辨
卷期 46:7=542
並列篇名 Neutral or Evil: Sequel Argument on the Theory of Human Nature of Xunzi
作者 王磊
頁次 179-192
關鍵字 荀子性樸性惡XunziNeural Human NatureEvil Human NatureA&HCI
出刊日期 201907




Currently, the theory that human nature is neutral is becoming popular in the research field of Xunzi’s thoughts. The relevant research on the proof of the theory that human nature is neutral can be divided into two categories: direct evidence and indirect evidence. The direct evidence deduces the neutral human nature theory that human nature is neither good nor evil through the materials such as “the original material is artless,” and the indirect evidence highlights the necessity and authenticity of neutral human nature theory for Xunzi by pointing out the inherent contradiction of the evil human nature theory and its contradiction with the content of Xunzi. However, there are obvious loopholes in the relevant arguments: on the one hand, “the original material is artless” only defines human nature as natural object rather than artificial object, but it is not a judgment of human nature’s value state, thus the neutral human nature theory that human nature is neither good nor evil can’t be deduced from it; on the other hand, without switching the concept of Xunzi nor distorting the arguments of Xunzi, we can find that theory of evil human nature not only have no obvious internal contradictions, but also conform to the argumentation of the book of Xunzi. For the time being, the theory of evil human nature is still the correct conclusion of Xunzi’s theory of human nature.
