
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 社會網絡分析應用在初任校長導入方案對校長專業發展成效分析之研究
卷期 42:2
並列篇名 The Effects of the Induction Program for New Principals on Professional Development of Principals: Analyzing with Social Network Analysis
作者 黃旭鈞陳建志
頁次 031-053
關鍵字 初任校長初任校長導入方案社會網絡分析校長專業發展new principalinduction program for new principalssocial network analysisprincipal’s professional developmentTSSCI
出刊日期 201906
DOI 10.3966/102498852019064202002


對於校長職涯第一年的初任校長而言,經常也是挑戰性最高的一年。因此,推動「初任校長導入方案」(The induction Program for new principals),提供初任校長專業的增能、輔導、協助與支持的在職專業發展與專業成長制度,以幫助初任校長順利導入校長職涯,展現更專業的校長領導。本研究旨在以社會網絡分析了解「臺北市初任校長導入方案」對初任校長專業發展的影響與成效,以102~105學年度參與「臺北市初任校長導入方案」的中、小學初任校長為研究對象,針對初任校長導入方案中的「專業增能工作坊」、「小團體成長」、「標竿參訪」與「師傅校長支持系統」等課程,深入了解導入案課程對初任校長提升專業領導力的成效。本研究先透過相關文獻分析與整理後,經由「行動後學習」(After Activity Review)先歸納出初任校長導入方案所需要培養的六大專業領導力:「政策推動執行力」、「課程教學專業力」、「專業發展學習力」、「人際關係溝通力」、「組織變革創新力」、「成果展現績效力」。再進一步以社會網絡分析法探討初任校長與導入課程及領導能力間的社會網絡關係,研究結果如下:一、初任校長導入案課程對初任校長具有正面的效益,且有助專業領導力提升;二、初任校長導入方案課程與領導力之社會網絡關係具有正向的意義,且方案持續調整改善,提升其成效;三、社會網絡分析能具體展現初任校長導入方案對初任校長專業發展的成效。


The first years of a school principal’s journey are often the most challenging. The induction program for new principals (IPNP) is an in-service mentoring program which is offering a systematic, intensive support for the beginning principals in order to learn and grow. The primary purpose of this study was to examine the effect of implementing the IPNP in Taipei City on school principal’s professional learning and development. And the sample of this study were new school principals who were the IPNP’s participants in 2013-2016. For the purposes of this study, literature review, After Action Review (AAR), and social network analysis were employed. Literature review was used to integrate and summarize research and studies about principal's preparation, induction and professional development. AAR was conducted to find out the six professional capacities. And Social Network Analysis (SNA) was administered to inquire network relationship between the new school principals, the induction courses, and capacities building. Based on the result of this study, the conclusions of this study were drawn as followed: 1. The courses offered by the IPNP has a positive benefit for the new principals and can enhance professional growth as well as build the six-capacities for new principals. 2. The courses offered by the IPNP can come up with a positive social network relationship between courses and six leadership capacities. And the IPNP can be continuously improved year after year. 3. SNA can be conducted to demonstrate the effect of the IPNP on new school principals’ professional development, and deepen participants’ understanding and refine their skills as school principals.
