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篇名 降低低體重早產兒低體溫發生率
卷期 23:4
並列篇名 Reducing the Incidence of Hypothermia in Very Low Birth Weight Premature Newborns
作者 張詩珮蕭君瑋曹伯年鄭之勛黃筱芳張璧蘭范圭玲陳玉蓮
頁次 488-500
關鍵字 低體重早產兒低體溫發生率離開產房前低體溫發生率入住加護病房一小時内低體溫發生率hypothermiavery low birth weight newbornsteam resource managementTSCI
出刊日期 201907
DOI 10.6320/FJM.201907_23(4).0011




Hypothermia of very low birth weight (VLBW) preterm babies is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Maintenance and stabilization of adequate body temperature are vital in this patient population. In this program, we aimed to reduce the incidence of hypothermia in VLBW preterm babies. Investigations showed that the major reasons of the high incidence of hypothermia in this institution included a low-temperature environment of the delivery room, unclear roles, and responsibilities among medical team members, unfamiliarity with the process of preventing hypothermia, insufficient education training and advocacy, and lack of standardized procedure to prevent hypothermia. Improvement strategies included maintenance of higher temperatures surrounding the infant and the transportation route, the provision of Team Resources Management (TRM) training with teaching video, establishment and implementation of a process checklist and prepared kit materials, ongoing education and training, establishment of standardized operation procedures according to current clinical situation, and intensified auditing of the clinical care process of the nurses. The results showed that the incidence of hypothermia before the neonate was leaving the delivery room has improved from 58.8% to 41.7% after the starting of improvement and then even lowered to 5.9% during the post-implementation period. The incidence of hypothermia in the first hour after admission to the neonatal intensive care unit was reduced from 83.3% to 41.7% during improvement and was 5.9% during the post-implementation period. We conclude that the implementation of these strategies in this program reduced the incidence of hypothermia in VLBW newborns effectively and improved the quality of care.
