
中正漢學研究 THCI

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篇名 既「儒」且「醫」:論「儒醫」融合儒學與中國醫學的角色
卷期 33
並列篇名 Both Confucianism and Medicine: On the Role of the Confucian Physician as Integrator of Confucianism and Chinese Medicine
作者 鄭中堅
頁次 061-108
關鍵字 儒醫儒學中國醫學仁學中和思想Confucian physicianConfucianismChinese Medicinetheories of benevolencephilosophy of balance and harmonyTHCI
出刊日期 201906


「儒醫」同時擁有儒學與醫學的素養是具儒家特質的醫學群體,惟儒學是修身治國的學問,中國醫學則是養生治病的醫術,兩者屬性不同,「儒醫」如何加以融合?本文論證兼具「儒」與「醫」角色的「儒醫」如何在思想層面上融合儒學與中國醫學,首先析論「儒醫」的特質有助於融合儒學與中國醫學,再分別就角色綜合與思想會通的觀點加以論述,認為「儒醫」係透過「仁學」思想融合儒者與醫者的角色;並以「和」作為核心概念,聯結儒學的「中和思想」與中國醫學的「陰陽調和」思維,提出「儒醫」的醫學觀是儒學修養論與中國醫學調養論的相互交融。結論除總結各段,並從「儒醫」視角批判現代醫學發展「醫療商業化」(medical commercialization)與「過度醫療」(excessive medical treatment)的現象。


The Confucian physician at once embodies the common principle of self-cultivation shared by both the Confucian and medical communities. Both traditions are different; Confucianism being the only kind of political philosophy that emphasizes moral cultivation while Chinese medicine focuses on healing sickness, how may the Confucian physician integrate the two? This paper sets out to prove the critical role of the Confucian physician in philosophically integrating the two traditions. It will first analyze how the characteristics of the Confucian physician make the fusion of Confucianism and Chinese medicine possible, before distinguishing between the two processes of role integration as well as the synthesis of philosophical concepts and thus demonstrating that Confucian physicians call upon “theories of benevolence” to integrate Confucianism and medicine. With the concept of “cohesive harmony” at it’s core, and by linking Confucianism’s concept of “Harmonization” and Chinese medicine’s "Balancing of Yin and Yang", the Confucian physician’s approach to medicine creates synergy between Confucianism’s self-cultivation and Chinese Medicine’s therapeutic nurturing. The summary will not only provide an overview of the argument, but will also apply the lens of the Confucian physician to critique the joint phenomena of commercialization and excessive treatment found in modern medicine today.
