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篇名 論孟子「心」與「氣」概念之哲學意涵
卷期 46:8=543
並列篇名 On the Philosophical Meanings of Mengzi’s Concepts of “Mind” and “Qi”
作者 黃信二
頁次 023-041
關鍵字 孟子氣論浩然之氣性善MengziTheory of QiExpansive QiGoodness of Human NatureA&HCI
出刊日期 201908




Mengzi’s theory of mind and nature has been a well-tried academic topic. However, if we are only concerned with the literary dimensions of “mind and nature” and reduce the literally unexplainable parts, the rich meanings of Mengzi’s ontological doctrine of “mind and nature” would be compromised Mengzi’s theory of qi is focused on the cultivation of one’s expansive qi, developing a more concrete framework on how “qi” unifies the “man” with the “world.” This article is meant to compare the theory of qi and the doctrine of mind and nature, while reviewing their strengths and weaknesses. Through the theoretical attributes of “mind,” the textual analysis of “qi” and the exploration about the connections in between, we will further analyze the differences between the approach of the doctrine about mind and nature and the one of the theory of qi in wishes to find a more contemporary meaning among all the traditional perspectives.
