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篇名 清儒對《中庸》的遵從、辨疑及應用
卷期 46:8=543
並列篇名 The Interpretation and Application of the Doctrine of the Mean by the Confucianists of the Qing Dynasty
作者 潘斌
頁次 097-110
關鍵字 清代《中庸》理學實學Qing DynastyThe Doctrine of the MeanLi-XuePracticalearningA&HCI
出刊日期 201908




In the Qing Dynasty, those who praised Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism or those who did not praise Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism believed that the Doctrine of the Mean was Zisi’s work. Others in the Qing Dynasty thought that the Doctrine of the Mean meant the same thing as other Confucian classics. Some people in the Qing Dynasty looked at the Doctrine of the Mean from the perspective of the learning of Four Books. They doubted Zhu Xi's the Doctrine of the Mean Chapter and Sentences. Their approach was to gradually return the interpretation of the the Doctrine of the Mean from Neo-Confucianism to Confucianism. Wang Fuzhi, Li Guangdi, Dai Zhen and others used the the Doctrine of the Mean to expound practicallearning.
