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篇名 趙秉文豪放詞探析:論「蘇學行於北」對趙詞之影響
卷期 13:2
並列篇名 The Study onthe Powerful and Free Style in ZhaoBingWen’s Poems:The Effect of ‘Suism Prevailed in the North’onZhao’s Poetry
作者 石學翰
頁次 050-070
關鍵字 金詞趙秉文滏水詞豪放詞蘇學北行Jin poetryZhao Bing WenFu Shui poetrypoems with powerful and free styleSuism prevailed in the north
出刊日期 201906
DOI 10.6284/NPUSTHSSR.201906_13(2).3




‘Suism’, which was founded by Su Dong Po, trulyprevailed in the north, and JinYuan poetry had been become Cai Songnian, Wu Ji, Zhao Bingwen……etc. Of the favorite literary historyLiterary writerlikedto imitateby many scholars. Among those poems, Zhao Bing Wen’s poemswere accepted more compliments; Hao Jing even praised Zhao as the ‘Su Dong Po in Jin Yuan’, which could understand the great impact of Dong Po’s poetry on Zhao. However, in terms of the rules and styles of Zhao’s poems, the researcher could detailed clarify the above compliment and explain the sequence of the powerful and free stylepoems from northern Song to Jing Dynasty. This study regarded Cai Song Nian as the importantpoetic pushing hand of Suism admirer in Jing Dynasty, and Zhao Bing Wenalso was amaster for learning Su Shi’s poems. Zhao Bing Wen, nevertheless, had more rough and rugged pathsduring his official career. He might experience bold style of Su’s poems, and integrated into his own specialpoetic style, which was out of the box, broadly and faintly existed like in heaven.
