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篇名 虛實與真理:《嶺南摭怪列傳》的國族建構與文化意蘊
卷期 3
並列篇名 Fiction-reality and Truth: On the National Imagination and Cultural Implications in Selection of Strange Tales in Lĩnh Nam
作者 楊建國
頁次 089-124
關鍵字 《嶺南摭怪列傳》神話傳說志怪小說國族文化Selection of Strange Tales in Lĩnh NamMythsghost novelnationcultureTHCI
出刊日期 201812




Selection of Strange Tales in Lĩnh Nam, a Vietnamese fictional work written in Chinese character, is generally regarded as a myth and ghost novel, but it also serves as the historical source of national construction adopted and then written into The Complete Annals of Đại Việt, an official historical text of the Lê Dynasty in Vietnam. Moreover, some scholars approached this work from the empirical historical method, considering it a fictional, strange and absurd work that departs from the historical fact. However, the paper contends that the debates between fiction and reality is merely a “sided appearance” within the tales of this Selection, which fails to disclose the internal metaphoric contexts and purposes, if we approach this Selection from a “holistic” perspective. Thus, the paper attempts to bridge the bond with history in order to build the national consciousness and cultural implications through tales, myths, and imaginations. The “truth” underlying in the text discloses that the authors within the tales of this Section build a national identity or national consciousness from race, earth, and people on the one hand, and reveal the social perspective from the moral ethics and religious compassions, the world view of love between sky and earth /brotherhood of the mundane, and the cosmological view from the aerial correspondence on the other hand. From the four perspectives of nationality, society, world, and cosmos, it constructs a great and permanent cultural matrix. This approach transcends the fiction and reality, and then becomes the field where the genuine topic and meaning resides.
