
Hwa Kang English Journal

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篇名 同步與非同步線上同儕回饋運用於課後發音練習之比較
卷期 24
並列篇名 A Comparison of Synchronous versus Asynchronous CMC Peer Feedback for EFL Learners’ Pronunciation Improvement
作者 陳玫樺
頁次 077-102
關鍵字 電腦溝通媒介同步與非同步同儕回饋發音練習發音類別computer mediated communication synchronous vs. asynchronouspeer feedbackpronunciation improvementpronunciation focus
出刊日期 201907
DOI 10.3966/221880882019072401004


發音是語言學習裡重要的一環,發音清晰與否可能會影響溝通能力及表現。語言學習者需要足夠的練習及意識,與即時的回饋。然每週兩小時課堂教學裡,教師難以兼顧每位學生的練習及提供即時回饋。課後練習及同儕回饋可以彌補課堂時間限制。隨著由於網路和電腦科技的普及,電腦溝通媒介提供更方便及有效率的同儕回饋。有鑑於此,本研究利用同步與非同步同儕回饋兩種模式讓學生進行課後的延伸學習。學生隨機分為同步(利用LINE 應用程式)及非同步(利用Email)兩組,兩組內的學生亦隨機配對。每週交換作業錄音檔並進行文字回饋。此課後活動進行15週。研究結果指出,兩組學生皆有顯著進步。同步和非同步模式並未有顯著差異。學生在子音及重音的進步最多,母音及尾音的進步不及前兩者來得多。又學生對於線上同儕回饋應用於課後發音練習抱持正面態度。


Pronunciation plays a significant role in language learning. It directly affects learners’ communicative competence and performance. Typically, the two-hour in-class instruction is far from sufficient to support learning retention of the corrected pronunciation errors. Continued practice is indispensable for pronunciation improvement. Besides in-class explicit instruction, after-class activities is an effective complement to enable student engagement and extend their learning beyond the classroom. Peer feedback has been proved to be one of the effective instructional strategies. Computer-mediated communication (CMC) creates an environment to enhance peer feedback activities, which yield numerous benefits for L2 learners. In view of the advantage of CMC peer feedback, in this study the students were introduced to the text-based CMC feedback to reinforce pronunciation practice outside of class. The current study aimed to compare the effects of synchronous and asynchronous CMC modes on pronunciation improvement. To achieve this goal, the LINE app and Email were adopted because they do not require any specific equipment or software and they have been widely used free communication tools among college students. A total of 30 first-year EFL students participated in 15-week after-class activities. The students were randomly assigned to the SCMC group (synchronous peer feedback using LINE) and the ACMC group (asynchronous peer feedback using Email). The students were paired and commented on their partners’ pronunciation performance. The results indicated that students made substantial progress regardless the CMC modes they used. Students made the biggest improvements on consonants and stress of words, which were followed by vowels and word endings. Moreover, students showed a positive attitude towards the text-based CMC peer feedback activities.
