
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Field Source Estimates for Gravity Anomalies by the Wavelet Multi-Scale Transform and Normalized Full Gradient Method
卷期 30:4
作者 Wei-Hua LiuGui-Ju Wu
頁次 167-175
關鍵字 gravity inversionnormalized full gradient methodwavelet multi-scale transformEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201908
DOI 10.3966/199115992019083004016



The wavelet multi-scale transform (WMT) was generally used for separate information of field source underground what can show the structure, mine, petroleum and so on very well in horizontal. And the normalized full gradient (NFG) was generally used for downward continuation of the potential field data. In this study, the WMT and NFG method was applied to Bouguer gravity anomalies to obtain the depth of ano-malous body or structure trend. The different regional and local WMT detail shows that the fourth-order ap-proximation are more smoothly than the Bouguer gravity anomalies; there are significant differences in the north-west and south-east portions, the third-order detail are consistent well with faults along horizontal direction, and the fifth-order local detail are suitable with the Bouguer gravity anomalies what can show the feature of the Moho surface. Some experiments were performed, for example, the suitable degree of smooth-ing m should be 2 or 3, and the harmonic number is about 30 in the NFG method; The NFG section shows that several Gh transition zones match well with huge faults or structure. Combining the results of the two methods, two faults joint at the depth of about 30km. integrating the advantages of the two methods are easy-to-use and its efficiency can be determined by more applications to field data.

