
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 A Method for Performing Vehicle Driving Safety Evaluation by Using Satellite Positioning Data
卷期 30:4
作者 Ying-Ji LiuXiang PiaoHai-Ying XiaHong JiaGuo-Liang DongXuan Dong
頁次 253-262
關鍵字 acceleration interference valueroad alignmentsatellite positioning datavehicle driving safetyEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201908
DOI 10.3966/199115992019083004024



At present, the satellite positioning data of vehicles is mainly used to monitor the parameters such as position and speed. From the perspective of vehicle coordination, there is a lack of real-time evaluation of driving safety in combination with driving conditions. This paper proposes a method for vehicle driving safety evaluation using satellite positioning data. It proposes to use the satellite positioning data to explore deeper information such as road alignment without relying on other extended information. The acceleration interference value is introduced as an important index for vehicle driving safety evaluation. Combined with the result of this indicator, the unsafe risk points in the driving process are counted to realize the dynamic evaluation of the vehicle driving process safety. Combined with the actual vehicle test data collected at the vehicle test site, the recognition results given by the method are compared and analyzed by referring to the relevant national standards. Test and comparison results show that the method can achieve the expected results. This will help road transport companies and users to detect and prevent vehicle driving safety risks in a timely manner.

