
社會科學論叢 EconLit

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篇名 青少年增強權能之探究:權能程度與相關因素
卷期 13:1
並列篇名 The Extent and Correlates of Empowerment among Adolescents
作者 張哲誠宋麗玉
頁次 001-042
關鍵字 青少年增強權能自我認同批判思考態度adolescentempowermentself-identifycritical thinkingEconLit
出刊日期 201906
DOI 10.30401/RSS.201906_13(1).0001


青少年期是「進入生活」的重要階段,此時主體性的養成相當重要,但問題化看待青少年導致其主體性難以被看見,而影響權能的展現。本研究旨在瞭解青少年之增強權能意涵,並探討其權能程度與相關因素。研究採用問卷調查法,有效樣本共 1319 位就讀新北市之國中、高中職的青少年。研究結果:青少年權能程度為尚可至中度,社會政治權能最高,外在掌控力則最低。根據雙變項分析與多元迴歸分析之結果,自我認同是解釋青少年權能最重要的相關因素,其次依序為批判思考傾向、同儕支持與教師支持。另不同變項對於個人、人際與社會政治層面權能程度之解釋力有異。據此,本研究提出有關青少年增強權能之服務與處遇相關建議。


Adolescence is at the important stage of “into life”. Cultivating autonomy is essential to this stage. However, the public usually views adolescents as problems, which makes it hard for them to express their own voices and demonstrate their own power. This study aimed to explore the extent and correlates of empowerment among adolescents. The study samples include junior high and high school students in New Taipei city, totaled 1319 participants. The result of factor analysis revealed that there were eight dimensions among the items. The level of empowerment among the participants was moderate. Participants had the highest power on the social-political aspect, with the external control power being the least. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that self-identity, critical thinking, peer support, and teacher support were the important correlates of empowerment. Based on the findings, the investigators recommended some strategies and methods for empowering adolescents.
