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篇名 服務品質滿意度分析研究以-海科館潮境海洋中心為例
卷期 59
並列篇名 Service Quality Satisfaction Analysis - A case study of Chaojing Marine Center of National Museum of Marine Science and Technology
作者 文若安李永翔林群益蘇蜂鈞
頁次 001-020
關鍵字 海洋科技博物館潮境海洋中心服務品質滿意度路徑分析National Museum of Marine Science & TechnologyChaojing Marine CenterService Quality SatisfactionPath Analysis
出刊日期 201901




National Museum of Marine Science and Technology (NMMST) purposes of Chaojing Marine Center are for marine biodiversity repopulation, research, and teaching. To understand the service satisfaction of Chaojing Marine Center, a questionnaire was perform in Saturday afternoon in May 2016. A total of 450 questionnaires were issue, which 418 valid questionnaires were return (92.9%). Path analysis results show that the facet of environmental facilities has a high correlation with service satisfaction. The results showed that the visitors no matter the gender, or the age were consistent inthe service satisfaction. The visitors with lower academic background have the highest satisfaction to the Center. The visitors who live at eastern Taiwan also give the highest satisfaction to the Center. Most of the visitors willing to recommend friends and relatives to visit the Chaojing Marine Center. But also to promote the contribution of marine education. Several suggestions have maken in this study for the future development of the Chaojing Marine Center.
