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篇名 臺灣行動即時通訊對學校經營及班級經營相關研究之分析
卷期 123
並列篇名 Analysis of Related Research on Using Mobile Instant Messaging for School Management and Class Management in Taiwan
作者 郭啟鴻陳君瑜
頁次 147-164
關鍵字 即時通訊學校經營班級經營instant messagingschool managementclassroom management
出刊日期 201909
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201909_(123).0010




In recent years, due to the widespread use of mobile instant messaging software in taiwan, many researchers have paid attention to this topic. The fast and convenient features of mobile instant messaging software are widely used for message delivery in work or specific organizations and accumulated a lot of research results, and it is worthy of performing an integrated study to understand the current status, findings, trends and gaps on the issue. The papers of researches on using mobile instant messaging for school management and classroom management in taiwan, published during the period of 2013-2018 and gathered from CEPS and CETD database, were analyzed by content analysis. It is found that the distribution of using mobile instant messaging for school management and classroom management issues is not balanced, including organization category, research object and research method used. Papers gathered are inclined to classroom management, in-service teacher and questionnaire survey. In the future, researchers could put more efforts into the gap which is ignored. The research purpose of these papers are too biased to the specific dimension of administrative leadership and membership relationship construction, it is also possible to expand the research orientation towards the teaching profession of the teacher and the learning effect of the student or conduct an analytical study after focusing on a topic of a certain size, to make the research scope and viewpoints of this topic more extensive and diverse.
