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篇名 對於沙特人道主義的詮釋與批判
卷期 46:9=544
並列篇名 Criticism and Interpretation of Sartrean Humanism
作者 楊婉儀
頁次 161-175
關鍵字 沙特本尼.萊維人道主義存在主義SartreBenny LévyHumanismExistentialismA&HCI
出刊日期 201909


本論文嘗試以比較沙特1946的《存在主義是一種人道主義》以及1980年與本尼.萊維(Benny Lévy)的對話:《今天的希望:與沙特的談話》,對於沙特的人道主義進行詮釋與批判。本尼.萊維曾指出在這兩篇文章中沙特對於人道主義的說法有所矛盾,究竟萊維所言是否公允?此外,沙特所意欲凸顯的「真實—人類」,是否已然脫離了先驗哲學的限制,而活成存在先於本質的主體性?沙特真的成功地實現了他所欲闡釋的無神論存在主義嗎?他與神學傳統的關係究竟為何?以及沙特提出的交互主體性是否使他的思想再次陷入另外一種意義上的獨我呢?這些都將是本論文試圖回答的問題。


This paper intends to interpret and criticize Sartrean humanism, by comparing Existentialism and Humanism published in 1946, and the dialogue with Benny Lévy entitled Hope Now published in 1980. Benny Lévy once criticized that Sartrean statement of humanism was contradictory in these two articles. Is his interpretation of humanism truly contradictory, as Lévy said? Besides, has the “humain reality” circumvented the universal concept of humanity (the concept of human beings), and already departed from the restraint of transcendental philosophy, and become the subjectivity living as “existence precedes essence”? Does he really succeed in accomplishing the atheistic existentialism that he wants to pursue? What is his relation with the theological tradition? Does Sartrean intersubjectivity (l’intersubjectivité) make his thought sink into another sense of solipsism? These will all be the questions that this paper attempts to respond.
