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篇名 當代儒學對於性別歧視的討論與回應
卷期 46:9=544
並列篇名 The Discussion and Response of Contemporary Confucianism on Gender Discrimination
作者 李明書
頁次 177-191
關鍵字 當代儒學儒家性別性別歧視Contemporary ConfucianismConfucianismSex and GenderGender DiscriminationA&HCI
出刊日期 201909




In view of the gender issue which has received the widespread attention recently, this paper will organize the existing gender discourses of Confucianism to find the related focal points. The present research mainly focuses on whether gender discrimination exists in Confucianism. If the thinking of gender discrimination does exist in Confucianism, it is an issue how to make gender discrimination achieve the harmony and balance of certain degree so as to retain the openness of the Confucian thinking to all people in the contemporary society without shrinking its influence as a result of gender. On the basis of the former research, this study analyzes the pros and cons of different studies and further proposes the concern that Confucianism should be equipped with, namely, how to include everyone among the objects to show concern for without making a distinction on gender. This is to indicate the special meaning and value of Confucianism in the contemporary society.
