
都市與計劃 TSSCI

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篇名 行政訴訟法之都市計畫違法審查及其城市規劃衝擊評析
卷期 46:3
並列篇名 Policy Impact Evaluation of the Violation Litigation of Urban Plan, Administrative Procedure Law, on City Planning
作者 周志龍
頁次 199-220
關鍵字 都市計畫違法審查政策衝擊分析Administrative procedure lawViolation litigation of urban planPolicy impact analysesTSSCI
出刊日期 201909
DOI 10.6128/CP.201909_46(3).0002




This study investigated the policy impacts of the violation litigation on urban plan, drafted in the Administrative Procedure law, Judicial Yuan. Additionally, their policy and practical implications for urban planning are done with detailed discussions throughout the drafted articles. Finally, institutional and practical responses of urban plans to the new law of Judicial Yuan and policy suggestions for further revising the litigation draft and connected implementation mechanisms are discussed.
