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篇名 無人機於精準農業之應用
卷期 220
並列篇名 Applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to Precision Agriculture
作者 楊明德許鈺群曾信鴻曾偉誠
頁次 020-039
出刊日期 201909




To practice precision agriculture, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) play an important role. UAVs have been developed for various applications, such as military, business and civil demands. Fixed-wing, helicopter and multirotor are three major types of UAVs. UAVs are equipped with multi-sensors, such as thermal, multi-spectral and specific sensors, for precision agriculture applications. This paper introduces the mechanism and demonstration of UAV in precision agriculture applications, especially rice which is the most important food crops in Taiwan. The UAV analysis technology based on image processing technology has been applied to seedling counting for replanting assessment, rice lodging analysis for compensation assessment; and cloud computing platform to integrate the power of crowdsourcing to improve the efficiency of agricultural investigation. This paper also introduces many domestic and international cases using UAVs in agricultural development, including farm management, chemical spraying, fertilization, and plant rehabilitation. In future, UAVs will play an irreplaceable role in precision agriculture to collect agriculture information.

