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篇名 論家戶所得與資產對子女教育之影響-以1993-1995出生世代及其父母稅務資料為例
卷期 47:3
並列篇名 Education Opportunity Inequality Across Income in Taiwan
作者 沈暉智林明仁
頁次 393-454
關鍵字 代際所得流動反向所得重分配家庭背景高等敎育intergeneration mobilityreversed income redistributionfamily backgroundhigher educationEconLitTSSCI
出刊日期 201909
DOI 10.6277/TER.201909_47(3).0003




This paper explores intergenerational income mobility through the education channel. We use 2000—2015 household income data provided by the Fiscal Information Agency. We find a strong correlation between household income and access to higher education. The median of yearly household income in the full sample is 0.86 million NTD, while the medians among National Taiwan University students and public university students are higher than 1.5 and 1 million NTD respectively. We look into asset distribution in every education category, finding a huge amount of wealth inequality and rigidity of intergenerational mobility. The positive correlation between education subsidy and students’ household income shows that government subsidy may lead to income redistribution from the poor to the rich.
