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篇名 從國內外離岸風電發展經驗論我國離岸風電之推動與啓示
卷期 18:2
並列篇名 On the Promotion of Offshore Wind Power in Taiwan and its Implications: A Study of Global and Local Experiences
作者 葉長城陳馨蕙鄭睿合吳中書
頁次 001-054
關鍵字 離岸風力電網連接躉購費率制度電價差額補貼制度供應鏈發展Offshore WindGrid ConnectionFeed-in TariffsFeed-in PremiumSupply Chain Development
出刊日期 201906
DOI 10.6164/JNDS.201906_18(2).0001




This paper presents a contemporary analysis of Taiwan’s offshore wind development from the perspectives of policy governance, environment and society. Following the practice and lessons documented in IEA-RETD (2017), we first investigate Taiwan’s offshore wind development from six key policy areas: market scale and visibility, site development, grid connection, incentive mechanisms, supply chain development and innovation support. A few examples of European offshore wind farms are also discussed in this paper. As concern for the environment and affected communities is rising and some proposed projects have been opposed and stopped by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the past decade, this paper also summarizes lessons and recommendations from the experiences of international offshore wind development and assesses the environmental and social impacts of Taiwan’s offshore wind farms. Key considerations and good practices are also proposed for the Taiwan government in managing offshore wind energy policies, legislation and regulations.
