
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Is It Worth to Deliver Display Ads on Content Farm Websites?
卷期 30:5
作者 Cheng-Jye LuhAn-Chen Wu
頁次 279-289
關鍵字 advertising performance evaluationcontent farm pagesdisplay adsInternet advertisingEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201910
DOI 10.3966/199115992019103005022



The study evaluated the performance of display ads on content-farmed pages as compared to those on non-content farm sites. Content farms generate a significant number of low-quality articles on many different topics and then use keywords to get their pages better positions on search engine results pages that enable web users to browse and click on ads. We compared the performance of display ads placed on content-farmed pages and regular ones. The results revealed that display ads in remarketing campaigns performed better than those in standard display campaigns on all type of websites. On the remarketing campaigns, display ads placed on the non-content-farmed pages have better overall and purchase conversion rates but lower click-through rate than those on content-farmed pages.

