
課程與教學 TSSCI

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篇名 課室目標結構、自我決定動機及學業情緒之關係
卷期 22:4
並列篇名 The Relationship of Classroom Goal Structures, Self-Determination Motivation, and Achievement Emotions
作者 賴英娟巫博瀚
頁次 151-174
關鍵字 自主動機受控制動機課室目標結構學業情緒achievement emotionsautonomous motivationclassroom goal structurescontrolled motivationTSSCI
出刊日期 201910
DOI 10.6384/CIQ.201910_22(4).0006


本研究以學業情緒的控制-價值理論為基礎,探討課室目標結構、自我決定動機及學業情緒之關係。本研究係以臺灣地區588 名八年級學生為研究樣本,且將所蒐集的資料以SEM 進行考驗。研究結果顯示:(1)課室精熟目標結構對自主動機具有直接的影響效果;(2)課室表現目標結構對受控制動機具有直接的影響效果;(3)自主動機對正、負向學業情緒均具有直接的影響效果。(4)受控制動機對正、負向學業情緒均具有直接的影響效果。最後,本研究依據研究結果提出建議,以供學習輔導與未來研究之參考。


Based on the control-value theory of achievement emotions, this study investigated the relationship of classroom goal structures, self-determination motivation, and academic emotions. Participants were 588 eighth grade students in Taiwan. The data were analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results were summarized as follows: (a) Classroom mastery goal structure has direct effects on autonomous motivation; (b) Classroom performance goal structure has direct effects on controlled motivation; (c) Autonomous motivation has direct effect on positive academic emotions and negative academic emotions. (d) Controlled motivation has direct effect on positive academic emotions and negative academic emotions. Based on the results, this study provides several implications and suggestions for educational practice and future research.
