
東吳法律學報 TSSCI

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篇名 專家知識作為行政決定的關鍵因素-以委員會組織之判斷餘地類型為檢視對象
卷期 31:1
並列篇名 Expert Knowledge Treated as the Key Factor in Administrative Decision Making - Taking Different Types of Margin of Appreciation of Various Commissions as Examples
作者 張志偉
頁次 001-052
關鍵字 專家參與判斷餘地授權規範司法事後審查Expert’s Participation of Public AffairsMargin of AppreciationAuthorizing LawsEx Post Judicial ReviewTSSCI
出刊日期 201907




Most of the articles in Taiwan focus on the margin of appreciation of the decisionmakers in different areas of the administrative law. This article takes a different approach and focuses on the different types of margin of appreciation of the commissions whose decisions are made by the experts. In practice, the administration and the legislators prefer to establish various commissions comprised of scholars, experts or persons representing different interest groups. It seems to be that by setting up these commissions, the legislation and the administrative decisions would be viewed as decisions made by experts. Furthermore, many decisions by the administrative courts show that there seems to be an incorrect stereotype that any decisions by a commission should not be reviewed by the court due to the commission’ s margin of appreciation. The courts didn’t notice the overuse of commission decision making by the administration. This would result in a situation where the state power escape its responsibili ties while the people can’t seek remedy from the courts when their rights are infringed by the administrative agencies. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the proper framework for the experts to take part in public affairs from the perspective of legislation, administration and judicial power to comply with the constitutional demand. The purpose of this article is to point out that under the theory of normative authorisation, the legislators have the responsibility to specifically regulate the types of and the extent to which any experts or professions may participate in any administrative decision making process, and the specific goals of such participation. Only when there’re such laws, we may recognize the existence of the administrative discretion of the administrative decision made by the experts. The administrative decision also need to be made by the commission organized by the laws and following the procedures required by the laws. When reviewing the administrative decisions, the courts need to review whether the commission is lawfully organized and whether the legal procedures are closely followed.
