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篇名 論當代中華新士林哲學的關係存有學之轉向:以沈清松的天主教社會哲學為例
卷期 46:11=546
並列篇名 On Relational Ontological Turn of Contemporary Chinese Neo-Scholasticism: An Example of Vincent Shen’s Catholic Social Philosophy
作者 周明泉
頁次 089-107
關鍵字 中華新士林哲學天主教社會哲學關係存有學慷慨外推邁向多元他者對比哲學宗教交談Chinese Neo-ScholasticismCatholic Social PhilosophyRelational OntologyGenerous StrangificationToward Many OthersContrastive PhilosophyInterreligious DialogueA&HCI
出刊日期 201911




In this paper, I mainly take Professor Vincent Shen’s catholic social philosophy as an example to prove that the contemporary Chinese Neo-Scholasticism has shown a trend towards relational ontological turn. First of all, I will divide Vincent Shen’s philosophical thinking into three stages of development: contrastive philosophy, generous strangification, and interreligious dialogue. Secondly, I will justify through the thought of Vincent Shen’s catholic social philosophy that the contemporary Chinese Neo-Scholasticism has been a focus on relational ontological turn. Finally, in my personal opinion, Vincent Shen’s catholic social philosophical foundation is based on the relational ontology of God’s love and charity. He successfully translated the “generous strangification, toward many others” into an understandable cross-cultural language and subject, and it can develop into a modern standard with universalizability and practicability, so that this ethical norm can produce the effective and practical power of guiding activities in our real world of life.
