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篇名 朝鮮儒學關於朱熹《易學啟蒙》的理解──以退溪學派和栗谷學派的《易學啟蒙》太極論為中心
卷期 46:11=546
並列篇名 Understanding Confucianism in Joseon Dynasty on Yixueqimeng—A Study on the Theory of Taiji Performed by Toegye (退溪) and Yulgok (栗谷) Schools
作者 李善慶
頁次 177-191
關鍵字 易學啟蒙啟蒙傳疑退溪學派栗谷學派朱熹李滉李珥易經周易YixueqimengQimengzhuanyiToegye SchoolYulgok SchoolZhuxiYihuangYiyiI ChingZhoyiA&HCI
出刊日期 201911




This paper examines how Confucian scholars in Joseon Dynasty accommodated and developed Zhuxi’s Yixueqimeng (Qimeng) in light of the theory of Taiji. Typically, Qimeng is merely regarded as a work of the image and number theory. However, I argue that, in Qimeng, Zhuxi aims to establish a theoretical system that incorporates cosmology, ontology, and the theory of self-cultivation by showing that image (象), number (數), and principle (理) are all unified. My viewpoint can also be found in Joseon Confucian scholars’ works on Qimeng. Their works on Qimeng, regardless of their scholarly branches, tend to identify the image and number (象數) with the principle (理). Yihuang (李滉)’s Qimengzhuanyi, which became a norm for the research of Qimeng among the later generation of Toegye School, reflects his interest in Lixue (理學). Yulgok School’s work on Qimeng expounds Taiji from the standpoint that Li (理) and Chi (氣) cannot be separated from each other. In particular, it explains Taiji, which amounts to Number 5 located at the center of Hetu (河圖), from the standpoint of the theory of human nature.
