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篇名 ATP選手賽事參與之績效評估:二階段DEA之應用
卷期 6:2
並列篇名 Assessing ATP players’ performance using two-stage DEA
作者 謝懷恕謝葶諼
頁次 091-100
關鍵字 ATP排名兩階段DEA整體技術效率純技術效率規模效率ATP ranktwo-stage data envelopment analysisoverall technical efficiencypure technical efficiencyscale efficiency
出刊日期 201909
DOI 10.3966/240996512019090602006




Introduction: Most of the past tennis-related literatures focused on the strategic application in the game and used DEA to measure performance based on the number of wins, scoring rate and career prize money. According to the cumulative performance of the player's career, there may be some problems. The study aims to select appropriate input and output indicators, to implement a complete link of indicators, and to compare the differences of ATP players' performance in the two stages. Methods: The study employs two-stage DEA to assess ATP players’ performance including overall technical efficiency, pure technical efficiency, scale efficiency. Besides, trend analysis and the comparison of the two stages are also conducted. All the data is collected players who ranked top 64 in the official website of ATP form April 25, 2016 to April 17, 2017. Results: There are seven players who are efficient in both two stages. The top 25 players have higher efficiency in the second stage than that of the first stage; and the others’ efficiency in the second stage are inferior to those in the first stage. Conclusions: The study tries to propose three competitions-selected principles for the reference: (1) choice of the games; (2) site adaptation; (3) adjustment lag.
