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篇名 既有糖尿病的妊娠建議
卷期 23:6
並列篇名 Preconceptional Counseling of Overt Diabetes Mellitus
作者 陳涵英林芯伃
頁次 769-775
關鍵字 糖尿病妊娠糖化血色素先天性異常Diabetes mellituspregnancyhemoglobin A1ccongenital abnormalityTSCI
出刊日期 201911
DOI 10.6320/FJM.201911_23(6).0011




Nowadays, due to changes in the dieting habits and elder pregnancy age, the prevalence of pre-existing diabetes mellitus before conception increased over the years. Diabetes has wide influence on different systems which includes ophthalmology, endocrinology, nephrology and cardiovascular system. Child-bearing age women are important support of the society. Therefore, it is essential to make women with preexisting diabetes mellitus to be followed up regularly with gynecologists, endocrinologists and nutritionists during their pregnancy in order to minimize the possible complication and health care cost of the society. In this article, we presented the full-spectrum caring of women with preconception diabetes and summarized an algorithm that could aid clinicians to apply the caring into practice.

