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篇名 一位雙相情緒障礙症個案育兒期間引發鬱期發作之護理經驗
卷期 25:2
並列篇名 Nursing care of a bipolar disorder client with depression episode due to parenting stress
作者 吳采奕陳秀枝柯貞如
頁次 033-046
關鍵字 雙相情緒障礙症育兒壓力bipolar disorderparenting stress
出刊日期 201912




This paper indicated the nursing care experience of a bipolar disorder client with depressive episode due to parenting stress of her new born baby. During the nursing period from 9th March to 22nd April 2016, the author collected data by clinical observation, interviews and medical record reading. Nursing assessment in physical, emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual dimensions were conducted. Health problems were identified as following: impaired emotional adjustment, sleep pattern disturbance, and ineffective health–maintenance ability. While hospitalization, the author and the client discussed on the issues about the changes of parental roles, parenting pressure, and family economic pressure. Moreover, the author encouraged the client and her husband to discuss their expectations toward each other, guiding the client to expressing her emotions and providing government children care subsidies information. Finally, the client could recuperate from their illness and make use of the county government children care subsidies to hire the babysitter taking care of her children. On the one hand her husband took the working responsibility to stabilize the family incomes and expenditures on the economic front. Additionally, the author discussed with the medical team to help adjust the drugs so as to maintain sleep quality for the client. After discharge, the client was connected by telephone. It was revealed that the client could not only adopt gradual and incremental ways to increase the interaction with her children but also intensify her parental confidence with stable mood. Furthermore, the client could also take medication and visiting psychiatric OPD regularly.
