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篇名 為蘇格拉底而申辯:柏拉圖《會飲》再思
卷期 46:12=547
並列篇名 Plato’s Secret Apology for Socrates: A New Interpretation of Symposium
作者 楊俊傑
頁次 153-169
關鍵字 柏拉圖《會飲》蘇格拉底申辯指控PlatoSymposiumSocratesApologyAccusationA&HCI
出刊日期 201912




It is well known that Plato presents his creative recollections about the trial of Socrates in Euthyphro, The Apology of Socrates, Criton and Phaedo. In addition to these four texts, Plato’s Symposium should be also considered as his attempt to validate Socrates’s apologies against two formal accusations. Through Socrates’ speech in Symposium, it is clear that the fact that Socrates believes in Eros as a daimon does presuppose his belief in Olympic Gods. And through Alcibiades’ speech, it is clearly shown that Socrates does not intend to destroy the young Alcibiades from the beginning of their friendship and then he does not need to be responsible for his being allegedly destroyed.
