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篇名 民眾對國軍行政中立之瞭解與認同──網路爭議事件的分析
卷期 115
並列篇名 Public understanding and identification of Administrative Neutrality of Armed Forces──Analysis of Internet disputes
作者 張光瀚
頁次 021-048
關鍵字 國軍行政中立網路聲量軍人National Armed Forcesadministrative neutralityvolume of internet postsmilitary
出刊日期 201912




Administrative neutrality of Armed Forces has always been a concept that makes soldiers sensitive, but the public vague. Since the lifting of martial law in our country, in accordance with the Constitution and the National Defense Law, the military has established regulations on administrative neutrality and the nationalization of the military. This study aims at the controversial event of soldiers' public political speech on their personal Facebook on March 22, 2019, carries out a survey on the volume of internet posts and text analysis, and discusses the topics of news, community websites, discussion boards, blogs and other channels and palindrome texts, so as to understand the public's understanding and identification of military administrative neutrality. During the period, there were 88,635 views, 333,193 discussion threads, and 1,276 shares. The first source of volume of the internet posts was social media websites, the second was news media websites, the third was blogs, and the last was discussion forums. There are 15,190 content discussion threads, with Facebook fan group of United News Network the highest, which shows that the speed of information dissemination on social networking sites is greater. The topic was posted by individuals on Facebook, through news reprinting reports, social networking sites palindrome, retweet and share, effectively achieving the point-to-surface dissemination effect. The internet posts volume and text content showed that the public's perceptions of the military soldiers expressing their political positions was more negative than positive, and many people still did not know about it. It is suggested that the Ministry of National Defense should use news media, community websites, newspaper, and other means to cultivate professional web celebrities, live broadcast hosts, YouTubers, and others to conduct publicity, effectively discuss national defense policies and all-out national defense, increase the public’s correct understanding, act as a bridge of communication and clarification, and win citizens’ support.
