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篇名 軍中京劇在臺灣的傳承與發展
卷期 115
並列篇名 The Inheritance and Development of Beijing Opera in the Military in Taiwan
作者 黃建華
頁次 133-160
關鍵字 京劇勞軍軍藝國光劇團京崑劇團Beijing operaperformances for troopsmilitary artsGuoGuang Opera CompanyTaiwan Peking and Kunqu Opera Troupe
出刊日期 201912




This study adopted the literature analysis method to summarize the historical development of promotion of Beijing operation in the military and in schools, with the focus on the process of forming a Beijing opera troupe in the military and its influences. Then this study further explored the substantial meanings of performances for troops and military art creation and their positive effects. First, based on the historical developments and skill demonstrations of the troupes of various armed services and the command center, this study explored the establishment of Beijing opera troupes in the military and their development. Secondly, the Beijing opera troupes in the military presented their own forms of arts through the tours for troops. These tours were important comfort for soldiers. Moreover, national policies could be spread out through opera competitions, making these opera troupes the most important performance groups in the society back then and making this entertainment a mainstream. After the martial law ended, in the process of modernization of Beijing opera, in the aftermath of passing the torch of the Beijing opera troupes in the military, the GuoGuang Opera Company and the Taiwan Peking and Kunqu Opera Troupe have started to integrate modern elements into their new works based on modern esthetic and art points of view, pouring the force of rebirth through new art forms, continuing the honorable mission of Beijing opera troupes in the military.
