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篇名 歐盟建立外資併購監控機制分析:歐中雙邊爭議與挑戰
卷期 58:3
並列篇名 The Origins of the EU-Level FDI Screening Mechanism: Conflicts of the EU-China Industry Policies and the Challenges
作者 葉國俊林展暉
頁次 001-050
關鍵字 外資監控機制外人直接投資經貿產業政策歐盟—中國關係FDI Screening MechanismTrade and Industry PoliciesOFDIEUChina RelationsTSSCI
出刊日期 201909
DOI 10.30390/ISC.201909_58(3).0001




In this paper, we argue that China’s current strategies including Made in China 2025 and Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) with large scale mergers and acquisitions are still consistent with the so-called “divide and rule” principle with respect to the European Union (EU) since 2005. Furthermore, there will be some leading and potential industries through the above approach, even though the problems of overcapacity and inefficiency still exist. On the basis of the bilateral trade and investment strategies, we also provide some predictions about China’s industrial upgrading, the impact of the EU’s outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) screening mechanism, and the future policy interactions between China and the EU.
