
都市與計劃 TSSCI

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篇名 純正性導向的都市再生?瓷都案例研究
卷期 46:4
並列篇名 Authenticity-led Urban Regeneration? The Case of a Porcelain City
作者 張容瑛
頁次 271-296
關鍵字 純正性地方發展瓷都鶯歌速成政策AuthenticityLocal developmentPorcelain cityYinggeFast policyTSSCI
出刊日期 201912
DOI 10.6128/CP.201912_46(4).0002


近年來,以文化、創意為主軸的都市政策,已成為許多城市發展之策略重點及都市研究主流。儘管百家爭鳴、甚至相互批判,文獻不約而同導向「純正性」的角色作用;對於純正性的追求與塑造,彷彿是文化/ 創意城市成功發展的關鍵。然而,既有文獻卻輕描淡寫了重要的問題:全球化資本主義過程中,純正性為何、如何、被誰運用做為城市競爭的策略?又造成什麼樣的城市發展結果?為了對於這股政策快速模仿或移植純正性的迷思,提出質疑與批判性討論,本文透過臺灣瓷都鶯歌的發展經驗觀察,回應此研究缺漏。本文指出,受到發展型國家的制度特質及遺產影響,1990 年代中期以來的鶯歌地方發展,是政府主導的純正性導向都市再生,政府積極透過各種潮流策略的挪用,企圖建構或再現城市的純正性。政府策略實踐的結果,雖然微幅促成了鶯歌的觀光經濟,卻也同時驅動並激化著地方發展的純正性戰役。原因在於,政府不同策略的在地拼貼,仰賴與不同群體的暫時性結盟,這些曾經的結盟關係,成為不同群體對於地方發展純正性主張的正當性來源。伴隨著一窩蜂、依賴慣性、地方組織增生等制度文化,導致浮現地方發展認知圖像碎裂的危機。這樣的結果,與主流文獻所期待的城市純正性的續存與開展,可能存在不小的落差。


Cultural or creative narratives in urban policy rhetoric and mainstream urban studies have increased in recent decades. To some extent, studies with opposing viewpoints have converged on the subject of the positive role of “authenticity.” In this sense, authenticity is considered the decisive pivot of cultural/creative cities. However, some critical research questions have been left unexamined: Why, how, and by whom is the concept of authenticity manipulated as a strategy of urban competitiveness in capitalist globalization? What are the urban consequences of the authenticity-led regeneration? Based on the case study of Yingge, a porcelain city in Taiwan, this study performed a critical analysis of this “fast policy” of authenticity. The development of Yingge since the mid-1990s embodies the authenticity-led urban regeneration driven by the state, which attempted to construct and reproduce the authenticity of the porcelain city by appropriating various trendy strategies. This study revealed that, rather than regenerating an authentic cultural city, authenticity-led urban development may result in fragmentation of the cognitive mapping of place, as a result of the authenticity campaign coupled with by institutional culture obstacles, e.g., jumping on the bandwagon, inertia of dependence, and tissue hyperplasia of local organizations in the context of the Asian developmental state.
