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篇名 玻璃纖維皮膚炎病例報告
卷期 27:1
並列篇名 Fiberglass dermatitis - A case report
作者 黃展慶王肇齡戴嘉言莊弘毅
頁次 045-052
關鍵字 玻璃纖維皮膚炎人造玻璃纖維合成礦物纖維強化玻璃纖維遊艇Fiberglass dermatitisMan-made vitreous fibersMan-made mineral fibersYachtFiberglass Resinforced PlasticsTSCI
出刊日期 202001


玻璃纖維為一種合成纖維,因其物化特性可用於隔熱、隔音、絕緣甚至作為補強材料,被廣泛的使用於各式行業中;玻璃纖維皮膚炎(Fiberglass dermatitis)則為暴露玻璃纖維後,因機械性刺激,導致的一種常見職業性刺激性接觸皮膚炎。本案例為一名37歲的男性工作人員,從事遊艇業製造技術員,在工作一段時間後,因製程需負責玻璃強化纖維切割和打磨,除了皮膚搔抓等症狀描述,在他的手臂,頸部,面部形成濕疹、紅斑,和毛囊炎等皮膚變化。原本預安排去現場了解其職業暴露狀況,可惜的是其公司婉拒而無法進行工作現場訪視,但仍就本個案及相關文獻回顧,針對高危險族群勞工,提出應注意之職業健康衛生注意事項,降低相關職業傷病的產生。


Glass fibers are the most widely distributed mineral fibers because of their multiple application, chiefly as insulation materials, and have become important in replacing asbestos fibers. Fiberglass dermatitis is one of the most common forms of occupational dermatitis resulting from mechanical irritation of fiberglass. The patient was a 37-year-old male worker, who working at yacht industry for about 1 year. He had to cut and grind the fiberglass while working, which was highly manual dependent operation. He mentioned about intense itching after the employment Eczema, erythematous macules and folliculitis over his arms, neck, and face. His company refused working place visiting thus we could not have additional exposure information. From this case, we did a careful and literature review to provide an improvement plan. This article aims to share the experiences on fiberglass dermatitis and suggestion to prevent fiberglass related occupational diseases.
