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篇名 愛玩客的好幫手──「帶你去旅行」App行銷企劃之研究
卷期 53
並列篇名 A Good Helper for Tourists - "Traveling with You" App Marketing Research
作者 彭建文樊祖燁趙麗萍黃心儀林崇安張晟
頁次 099-118
關鍵字 國內旅遊熱門景點大數據青年旅遊交通接駁domestic tourismpopular attractionsbig datayouth tourismtransportation connections
出刊日期 201912


現在青年族群大多利用大眾交通工具進行國內旅遊,但有些景點必須要利用接駁方式才能抵達,十分地不方便,如果有攜帶隨身行李,更容易造成旅行負擔。為了解決上述的問題,本研究設計了「帶你去旅行」App,希望能建立一個具備隨時能夠查詢熱門景點以及前往景點交通方式的平台,解決不知道去哪玩和找不到接駁方式的困擾。「帶你去旅行」App 利用大數據分析出熱門景點排行,以及與當地之計程車業者合作,提供點到點的接駁服務,讓年輕族群能輕鬆無負擔的出遊,同時也能創造「帶你去旅行」的長期競爭優勢。


Young travelers usually take public transportation for domestic trips. Since getting to some local attractions requires transportation connections, it is very inconvenient especially when travelers have luggage. In order to solve this problem, this study designed the "Traveling with You" App, intending to provide travelers the information of popular attractions and the transportation alternatives at any time, to solve the problem of where to visit and how to find connecting buses, train, taxi and etc. The “Traveling with You” App can identify popular attractions through the big data analysis and partner with local taxi drivers to provide point-to-point shuttle services that allow young travelers to travel easily and without burden. At mean time, “Traveling with You” is intended to create a long-term competitive advantage for the company.
