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篇名 從上海天主教會、文藝圈到域外遊記──論晚清《三洲遊記》的「翻譯改寫」
卷期 37:3
並列篇名 From the Catholic and Literary Circles of Shanghai to Travel Literature: The “Translation as Rewriting” of Sanzhou Youji in the Late Qing
作者 顏健富
頁次 131-167
關鍵字 非洲遊記晚清鄒弢龔柴三洲遊記Africatravel literaturelate QingTao ZouSimon KiongSanzhou youjiMEDLINETHCI
出刊日期 201909


從原著到譯著的途徑中,常會因不同的脈絡語境而出現程度不一的翻譯改寫現象。本文以十九世紀後半葉的譯著《三洲遊記》為例,探討中國譯者在翻譯施登萊的「非洲」傳記Through the Dark Continent 時,如何根基於特定的位置,如上海天主教會、滬地文藝圈與晚清域外遊記等脈絡,演繹各種與自身生存情境休戚與共的議題。譯者在原著的主軸上延展出一條條縱橫交錯的翻譯「歧路」,嵌入不同群體的問題意識與價值思考。本文先探討譯者如何呼應上海天主教會的宗教訴求,改寫原著的宗教教義,變為是宣揚天主教的譯本?接而,觀察譯者如何將自身的生命文本與詩學美感注入譯著,使得一部原本訴諸於非洲探勘記的著作,浮現滬地文人的情誼對話?最後,分析譯者如何將原著的地理學關懷轉嫁到晚清觀看世界的視角,介紹各國風土民俗與人文地理,呈現不同於原著的域外想像?凡此種種,皆能反映十九世紀後半葉的譯著如何受到譯者身分、報刊屬性與宗教訴求等而出現的翻譯改寫。


Resulting from different contexts, translation becomes a form of rewriting to varying degrees as the original work is translated into a new writing. This article uses Sanzhou youji 三洲遊記 (Three Continents Travels), a translated work from the late 19th century, as an example of this phenomenon to investigate how Chinese translators from specific contexts, such as the influences of Catholicism, literary circles in Shanghai, or travel writings from abroad, exhibited their shared anxieties regarding self-survival as they translated Henry M. Stanley’s (1841-1904) autobiography of Africa: Through the Dark Continent The translators “diverged” from the original work by inserting the concerns and values of a different community into the new writing. This article first discusses how the translators echoed the religious demands of the Catholic Church in Shanghai by rewriting the religious elements in the original work into a proclamation of Catholicism. Secondly, the author considers how the translators fit details from their personal lives and poetic aesthetics into the translated work, which allowed for a dialogue engaged in by literary scholars in Shanghai to appear within a work regarding the explorations of an individual in Africa. Finally, this article analyzes how from a late-Qing world view, the translators perceived the geography found in the original work and introduced the various cultures and social customs, all of which demonstrates a distinct imagination of the foreign. Through these points of analysis, we are able to see how translated works in the late 19th century were influenced by the identities of the translators, characteristics of the press, and religious demands, which ultimately lead to the original being rewritten through translation.
