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篇名 產業資料與個人資料之加值運用法制-以日本為例
卷期 31:9
並列篇名 The Utilization of business data and personal data - A case of Japan
作者 周晨蕙
頁次 048-071
關鍵字 AIoT人工智慧物聯網大數據資料利用Artificial IntelligenceInternet of Thingsbigdatadata utilization
出刊日期 201909


隨著AI及IoT技術發展,AI結合IoT之AIoT成為近年關注焦點。IoT裝置可以蒐集大量資料提供給AI用於機器學習,而AI亦可用於分析IoT裝置所蒐集之資料,兩者互利互惠,創造並提升更多附加價值。然而,由於AI需要藉由資料訓練模型,使其結果容易受到資料的影響,且資料蒐集、處理、利用、分析的過程,亦有可能侵害營業祕密或隱私權,故為因應目前AIoT發展趨勢,實有必要完善資料相關法制,打造一個資料可以安心利用及流通之環境。日本自2017年起分別針對產業資料和個人資料之利用和保護,陸續修正及制定多項法律和指引,以實現其「Connected Industries」政策目標,加速推動資料利用。我國於2017年提出「數位國家‧創新經濟發展方案(2017-2025)」,大力發展數位經濟,並於2018年提出「台灣AI行動計畫(2018-2021)」,致力於推動產業AI化,顯見數位經濟和AI為我國未來重要發展方向。有鑑於此,為順應AIoT發展趨勢,並實現我國數位經濟及產業AI化之政策目標,本文介紹近年日本資料相關法制之發展,期能作為我國日後完善相關法制環境之參考。


Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) is the combination of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies with the Internet of Things, and it becomes more and more important in recent years. IoT devices can provide data for AI to train machine learning models, and AI can also be used to analysis data into useful information for improved decision making processes. For AI training models with data, using dubious data to train models could lead to questionable decisions. Otherwise, what data is collected and how the data is used may violate of privacy or trade secret. In the view of this, we should build the environment that can use and deal data with trust. In respond to AIoT development trends, AI and digital economy became important policy goal in Taiwan. Japan amended various regulations, and also constituted many guidelines to promote using business data and personal data since 2017. For reference, this article introduces regulations about data utilization in Japan.
