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篇名 從歐美電腦應用發明專利最新審查標準-談區塊鏈專利適格
卷期 31:8
並列篇名 Patenting Blockchain: EPO and USPTO Practice for Computer Implemented Inventions
作者 朱翊瑄
頁次 026-051
關鍵字 區塊鏈專利電腦應用發明專利適格分散式帳本兩階段標準軟體專利智慧財產權布局比特幣乙太坊Blockchainpatentcomputer implemented inventionpatent eligibilitydistributed ledger technologytwo-step testsoftware patentIP strategyBitcoinEthereum
出刊日期 201908


目前,各國主管機關對區塊鏈的技術本身到相關的應用,都以電腦應用發明視之,然而,電腦應用發明專利發展的速度是相當緩慢,遠不及科技的日新月異。以美國為例,Alicev. CLS Bank確立兩階段標準後,電腦應用發明幾乎會被視為抽象概念而無法取得專利。區塊鏈等新興科技的蓬勃,也嘉惠電腦應用發明專利更廣泛的討論與思考。歐洲專利局於2018年12月4日舉辦區塊鏈應用專利論壇,明確揭示:「區塊鏈應用之發明係電腦應用發明」,並於會議中公布區塊鏈專利審查對照表和相關統計數據。另,美國與歐洲近期相繼發表了電腦應用發明之相關政策文件:歐洲專利局發表〈歐洲專利局專利審查指南-2018年11月版〉,更新重點在於電腦應用發明,與區塊鏈專利相關者為:「數學方法」、「實行心智活動、遊戲或商業之計畫或方法」、「實現分散式運算環境之發明」。美國專利與商標局2019年1月發表〈2019年專利適格性指南〉,細緻化處理兩階段標準,區塊鏈發明可望更容易取得專利適格。本文期待藉由剖析歐美電腦應用發明專利實務,提供區塊鏈實務工作者作為參考。


At present, all authorities concerned view blockchain technology as computer-implemented inventions. While the computer-implemented technology grows fast, the patent development of which remains slow, far from mature. For instance, after Alice v. CLS Bank establishing the Two-Step Test, almost every computer-implemented invention is considered abstract, and thus, can barely acquire patent-eligibility or patentability in the United States. The prosperity of the blockchain technology has activated discussions and deliberations on patentability of computer-implemented invention. On December 4th, 2018, the European Patent Office (EPO) held a conference focused on the patentability of blockchain technology. On the conference, the European Patent Office shed light on that "Blockchain Inventions = Computer-Implemented Inventions (CII)," and further provided the corresponding review guidelines to each of the underlying blockchain technology. Moreover, both European Union and the United States released the updated policy documents: EPO published Guidelines for Examination in the European Patent Office, November 2018 Edition. The November 2018 Edition revised the articles of computer implemented invention, including those related to the blockchain technology; namely, Mathematical Concepts, Certain Methods of Organizing Human Activity, and Mental Processes. On January 7th, 2019, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) released 2019 Revised Patent Subject Matter Eligibility Guidance, which split the Step-A of the Two-Step Test into two prongs. Computer-Implemented Inventions will not be inherently abstract; therefore, blockchain inventions are much more likely to be granted patents. This essay analyzes practical discussions of computer-implemented inventions patents in Europe and the United States, and intends to provide the blockchain society a broad overview in patent applications.
