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篇名 人工智慧之治理-以深度偽造為例
卷期 31:8
並列篇名 The governance of AI - In the aspect of deepfake
作者 余和謙
頁次 052-072
關鍵字 人工智慧假新聞深度偽造類神經網路深度學習DeepfakeArtificial Intelligenceneural networksFake News
出刊日期 201908




With the maturity of neural networks, the application of artificial intelligence is becoming more and more widely used, and through the utilize of Autoencoder and convolutional neural network technology, the threshold of copying films or audios has been easier than before. In November 2017, A user post an App on the community platform called Reddit. This App can superimposed the face of social celebrities on pornographic film actors, and makes the film look like is real.   Such technology is generally referred to as “Deepfake", and it´s believed that these technologies may contribute to the manufacturing and dissemination of false information, which has attracted the attention of national legislators. Because these technologies is using Deep-learning skills to generate fake films, it involves both the prevent of fake news and the governance of artificial intelligence. The Purpose of this study is to observe international policies, legal measures and related guidelines for Deepfake and artificial intelligence, and to examine whether the current legal system can respond to the impact of deepfake and provide feasible recommendations.
