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篇名 外國人投資與高科技出口管制之法制研析
卷期 31:7
並列篇名 Legal Analysis on Foreign Investment and Export Control
作者 杜冠穎
頁次 042-071
關鍵字 外國直接投資出口管制國家安全關鍵基礎設施新興科技Foreign direct investmentExport controlNational securityCritical infrastructureEmerging technology
出刊日期 201907




Recently, overseas investment from China has increased rapidly, in the meanwhile targeting emerging and critical technology areas. Concerning about technology leaks and national security, the United States expanded the authority of the competent authority through the "Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act of 2018". Whether foreign investment involves critical infrastructure or technology, thus jeopardize its technological leadership and national security, or enable the foreign government to gain substantial control, should all be taken into consideration during the review. European Union has also established the " Framework for screening of foreign direct investments into the European Union" to take security and public order into consideration, as well as strengthen information sharing and cooperation. In contrast, Taiwan hasn't specifically emphasized the considerations and specific contents of "national security", either in "Statute For Investment By Foreign Nationals" or "Act Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area". As a result, the government still needs to modify related regulations comprehensively, so as to prevent technology outflows and strengthen national security effectively.
