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篇名 論「覺民行道」範式對明代政治文化的建構與遮蔽
卷期 47:2=549
並列篇名 Construction and Concealment on the Political Culture of Ming Dynasty in the Paradigm of “Jue Min Xing Dao”
作者 藍法典
頁次 171-184
關鍵字 得君行道覺民行道明代政治文化理學權力控制De Jun Xing DaoJue Min Xing DaoPolitical Culture of Ming DynastyNeo-ConfucianismPower ControlA&HCI
出刊日期 202002




The paradigm of “De Jun Xing Dao” and “Jue Min Xing Dao” shows Yu Yingshi’s thinking on how the culture of Song and Ming dynasty gave way to the modern era. Compare to the former paradigm which can be stated as “restoring order” in the traditional power structure, the latter one reveals more defects in describing the political culture of Ming dynasty, and the argument cannot support the modern political demonstration which is far different from traditional one. In fact, the political culture of the Ming dynasty is more prominent in the development process of the independent and further diversified discourse order from the political order, which is more significant to the deconstruction of order than to reconstruction. While this development trend can be interpreted as moving towards the new order by breaking up the old, the corresponding interpretation of the dilemma reveals the inner operation law of power itself. The trend from unary to pluralism does not mean the progress of history, but only means that the technical control of power starts to move from dominant to recessive, and the way of control is to use the dissolution of the sanctity of pluralism to further eliminate the checks and balances within power.
