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篇名 「物大」便是美?探討廣告產品圖像與模特兒大小比例與品牌關係類型對廣告效果的影響
卷期 30:1
並列篇名 Is a Bigger Picture Better? The Impact of Product-Model Ratio and Brand-Consumer Relationship on Advertising Effectiveness
作者 張純端王欣怡
頁次 131-162
關鍵字 產品與模特兒大小圖像比例品牌消費者關係概念隱喻廣告效果product-model size ratiobrand-customer relationshipconceptual metaphoradvertising effectivenessScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 202004
DOI 10.6226/NTUMR.202004_30(1).0005


廣告圖像不僅是消費者觀看廣告的視覺焦點,更是行銷人員傳遞品牌形象的主要溝通方式。研究發現,廣告圖像在畫面空間的安排是一種隱形的力量,能在無形中影響消費者的感覺與認知。本研究以廣告中產品與模特兒圖像大小比例為主題,以概念隱喻作為理論基礎,探討廣告中產品與模特兒大小圖像比例與品牌-消費者關係如何影響廣告效果。本研究以三個實驗進行假設檢定,實驗一使用真實品牌,實驗二、實驗三則使用虛擬品牌。實驗一為 2(模特兒大小圖像比例:大 vs. 小)x 2(消費者品牌關係類型:領導者 vs. 朋友)二因子設計,實驗二中加入產品類型(享樂 vs. 實用),以排除產品類型的干擾效果,實驗三則使用本國模特兒與品牌,以增加研究的外部性,三實驗均使用廣告態度與購買意圖作為實驗之依變數。研究結果指出,當消費者認為品牌與自己的關係屬於領導者關係類型時,廣告使用產品與模特兒圖像比例大的圖片有較有佳的廣告效果;當消費者認為品牌與自己的關係屬於朋友關係類型時,廣告使用產品與模特兒圖像比例小的圖片有較佳的廣告效果,並證實處理流暢性是上述交互作用的中介機制。


In advertising, visuals play an important role in drawing the attention of consumers to promoted brands or products. Recent research suggests that the spatial arrangements of visuals are important. Conceptual metaphors are heavily used to create appropriate visuals in advertising. Elaborating on the conceptual metaphor theory, this research study examines how the product-model ratio (in terms of size) influences advertising effectiveness. The brand-consumer relationship is proposed as a moderator. Three experiments are performed which differ in brands and products. Study 1 uses real brands, while Study 2 and Study 3 use fictitious brands. Study 1 employs a 2 (product-model ratio: large vs. small) x 2 (brand-consumer relationship: leader vs. friendship) full-factorial design. Study 2 takes product type (hedonic vs. utilitarian) into consideration to rule out possible effects on the interaction between product-model ratio and brand-consumer relationship. Study 3 replicates the results of Study 1 by using an Asian model and a brand name in Chinese. Purchase intention and attitude toward the ad serve as dependent measures. The results indicate that ads with a greater product-model ratio (i.e., the product image is well larger than the image of the model) work better when consumers consider the brand as a leader. On the contrary, ads with a small product-model ratio are advantageous when the brand is viewed as the consumer’s friend. This study finds that processing fluency is the underlying mechanism that explains this phenomenon.
